Dark Patterns: esempi, guida e check-up secondo le linee guida EDPB

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I Dark Patterns invalidano le informative legali

Installare un template, utilizzare un framework css: cosa c'è di piu' semplice ? Tuttaiva il DSA, digital service act, espressamente vieta l'uso dei dark patterns.

I dark patterns producono l'effetto di confondere i visitatori:
  • contenuti
  • interfacce
Non sono validi i consensi raccolti in contesti che usano dark patterns, cosi' come perdono valore le consulenze legali per generare informative complete.

Pag 22
Links to information, actions or settings that can be of practical help to users to manage their data and their data protection settings should be available wherever they are confronted to related information or experience (e.g. links redirecting to the relevant parts of the privacy policy).

see use case 1 for definition (p. 22). (e.g. in the privacy policy, provide for each data protection information links that directly redirects to the related data protection pages on the social media platform).

Example 19: A Social Media Provider always refers to “creation data” within the privacy policy and does not use the term personal data. Only on page 90, the layered privacy notice contains the explanation that “creation data might include personal data of the users”.

Example 19: A Social Media Provider always refers to “creation data” within the privacy policy and does not use the term personal data. Only on page 90, the layered privacy notice contains the explanation that “creation data might include personal data of the users”.

see use case 1 for definition (p.22) (e.g. provide users with a link to reset their password).

For easy orientation through the different section of the menu, provide users with an easily accessible page from where all data protection related actions and information are accessible. This page could be found in the social media provider main navigation menu, the user account, through the privacy policy, etc.

see use case 1 for definition (p. 22) (e.g. when users are informed about an aspect of the processing, they are invited to set their related data preferences on the corresponding setting/dashboard page).

Example 50: When users choose to delete the name and place of their high school or the reference to an event they attended and shared, a second window pops up asking to confirm that choice (“Do you really want to do so? Why do you want to do this?”).

Ci sono più esempi per le stesse categorie

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Giulia Nepi

Giulia Nepi

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Valentino Spataro

Valentino Spataro

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