Dark Patterns: esempi, guida e check-up secondo le linee guida EDPB

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I Dark Patterns invalidano le informative legali

Installare un template, utilizzare un framework css: cosa c'è di piu' semplice ? Tuttaiva il DSA, digital service act, espressamente vieta l'uso dei dark patterns.

I dark patterns producono l'effetto di confondere i visitatori:
  • contenuti
  • interfacce
Non sono validi i consensi raccolti in contesti che usano dark patterns, cosi' come perdono valore le consulenze legali per generare informative complete.

Stirring - Emotional steering (Annex checklist 4.3.1)
Example 4: The social media platform asks users to share their geolocation by stating: “Hey, a lone wolf, are you? But sharing and connecting with others help make the world a better place! Share your geolocation! Let the places and people around you inspire you!”

Stirring - Emotional steering (Annex checklist 4.3.1)
Example 5: Social media provider incentivises users to encourage them to share more personal data than actually required by prompting users to provide a self-description: “Tell us about your amazing self! We can’t wait, so come on right now and let us know!

Stirring - Emotional steering (Annex checklist 4.3.1)
Example 6: The part of the sign-up process where users are asked to upload their picture contains a “?” button. Clicking on it reveals the following message: “No need to go to the hairdresser’s first. Just pick a photo that says ‘this is me’.”

Stirring - Hidden in Plain Sight (Annex checklist 4.3.2)
Example 8: Immediately after completing the registration, users are only able to access data protection information by calling up the general menu of the social media platform and browse the submenu section that includes a link to “privacy and data settings”. Upon a visit to this page, a link to the privacy policy is not visible at first glance. Users have to notice, in a corner of the page, a tiny icon pointing to the privacy policy, which means that users can hardly notice where the information to the data protection related policies are.

Stirring - Hidden in plain sight (Annex checklist 4.3.2)
Example 40: In this example, when users want to manage the visibility of their data, they have to go in the “privacy preference” tab. The information for which they can set their preference is listed there. However, the way that information is displayed does not make it obvious how to change the settings. Indeed, users have to click on the current visibility option in order to access a dropdown menu from which they can select the option they prefer.

Stirring - Hidden in plain sight (Annex checklist 4.3.2)
Example 48: The paragraph under the subtitle “right to access” in the privacy policy explains that users have the right to obtain information under Article 15 (1) GDPR. However, it only mentions users’ possibility to receive a copy of their personal data. There is no direct link visible to exercise the copy component of the right of access under article 15 (3) GDPR. Rather, the first three words in “You can have a copy of your personal data” are slightly underlined. When hovering over these words with the users’ mouse, a small box is displayed with a link to the settings.

Stirring - Emotional Steering (Annex checklist 4.3.1)
Example 52: On the first information level, information is given to users highlighting only the negative, discouraging consequences of deleting their accounts (e.g. "you'll lose everything forever", “you won’t be able to reactivate your account", "your friends will forget you")

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Giulia Nepi

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Valentino Spataro

Valentino Spataro

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